Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Sailmaker review Essay Example
The Sailmaker review Essay These were the optimistic and boastful words of a young boy who was proud of his father and his trade but throughout the play Alecs faith in his father was dwindling down to nothing and by the end of the play it was all but diminished when he summed up his feelings and his fathers life perfectly You were always gonnae fix it up for me. Ye just never did. The play centres around the relationship between a widower named Davie and his son Alec. In the opening scene of the play Davie returns home from the hospital with the dreadful news that his wife was dead. The news broke Alec but he would recover and get on with his life but this was the beginning of the end for Davie, for just weeks before he had been laid off from his job as a sailmaker because there was just no work left in the trade. Davies only way of supporting himself and Alec financially was his job as a tick man going round doors and collecting money, but on the side Davie was a very keen betting man and had several lines on each week, often spending the best part of his weeks wages on them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Sailmaker review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Sailmaker review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Sailmaker review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Davies job alone couldnt suffice his son and his gambling needs, so he soon became buried in debt with both the illegal bookmaker and his brother Billy. With his father being away at work most of the day and then going for his daily wee half at the pub afterwards, Alec was having to become more and more independent just to get through the times. He began to develop a close friendship with his cousin Ian and along with using each other as sparring partners they done pretty much everything together. They seemed joined-at-the-hip as children, always out on the street playing football and reading comics together, but as they grew up, they also grew further apart and began to share less of a common ground with each other. For example Alec decided that he wanted to stay on at school, get good grades, go to university and get a shirt-and-tie job, whereas Ian wanted to drop out of school as soon as he could and follow his father, Billy, into the painting and decorating business. At night when Ian and his friends were out in the streets kicking over bins, smashing bottles, getting chased out of the area with the locals and generally causing havoc Alec was going to Christian Endeavour and the local mission to learn about the god. This showed that Alec was independent and had the will power to do the things that he wanted to do and that were best for him. He also showed that he had a great deal of character, as he didnt succumb to peer pressure from going to different organisations and doing the complete opposite from his friends. By going to all these Christian related activities it appeared that Alec was trying to fill a space in his life with religion. Meanwhile Davies life was going from bad to worse because he got a beating from the illegal bookmakers heavies and subsequently got sacked from his job as a tickman because of it. From this point on I got the impression that Davie just didnt care anymore and that his easy laid back attitude towards life, i. e. First thing themorra morning or Dont worry son. Well work it out, started to affect his relationship with Alec. He constantly put things off until the next day, and then the next day and then they still never got done. A key example of this was the story of Alecs toy yacht, which despite Davies endless promises never gets fixed. Alec had only asked for his father to make a sail for it but the answer was always Ahll fix it up when av got the time or Just wait and see. One day when his Uncle Billy was round at his house, Alec asked him if he could paint the yacht for him. Billy took it away that day and had it back and painted for him within a couple of days. This only highlights the differences in character between Davie and Billy. Billy knew that betting wasnt the way to get through life, it was always his tough optimism and hard work that got him and his family through, whilst it was Davies nonchalant and pessimistic attitude that had turned his life into ruins. To be fair to Davie he had backed a loser right fae the start with the sailmaking trade, with collapsed only months after he received his apprenticeship. Davie was an exceptionally unlucky man, everything he touched turned to waste. During the play his wife died, he had been made redundant from three different jobs, he got tangled up in debt, he was attacked and his relationship with Alec had failed severely. This rejection and overall bad luck must have crushed his confidence and he now thought that he was defeated before he had even begun. In the very last scene of the play, Davie and Alec have to resort to burning half their belongings one night in an attempt to stop themselves from freezing because Davie had gambled with the money to pay for coal and electricity. Whilst Alec was rummaging around the house looking for firewood he stumbled across his old toy yacht buried deep in the glory hole. He sat it to the side and continued burning everything else until they eventually ran out. In a way Alec didnt want to burn the yacht because still liked it but on-the-other-hand he knew he had to burn it to rid himself from his sad memories. So when the last piece of furniture had burned down, Alec wedged the yacht right in the centre of the fire. The fames begun lick around it and in the end he finally got what he had waited his whole life for, his little toy yacht had a sail, only it had a sail of flames.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
There Appears Multi agency working can be analysed Social Work Essays Essays
There Appears Multi agency working can be analysed Social Work Essays Essays There Appears Multi agency working can be analysed Social Work Essays Essay There Appears Multi agency working can be analysed Social Work Essays Essay The local authorization and authorities bureaus have been working together for a long clip and non wholly new pattern. Jones and Leverett quote However, the thrust towards integrated working which includes the full kids s work force ( that is, every person who works, on an employed or voluntary footing, with kids and their households across sectors such as wellness, instruction, early old ages and child care, drama work, societal attention, constabulary, young person support and leisure services ) under the interagency umbrella is a more recent and ambitious invention ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 123 ) Multi-agency working can be analysed utilizing three primary policy contexts. First, the context of influence, where policy discourses are constructed and cardinal policy constructs for illustration, partnership or multi-agency working are established. Second, the context of policy text production, or the paperss that represent policy ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 125 ) . These are normally expressed in linguistic communication which claims to be sensible and for the general public good ( Bowe et al. , 1992 ) . They include texts such as the SEN Code of Practice ( DfES, 2001 ) or the new Working Together to Safeguard Children guidelines ( HM Government, 2010 ) . Such texts are so responded to within the context of pattern, or what really happens on the land for illustration, schools, child care or wellness scenes as a consequence of a peculiar policy . ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 125 ) Jones ( 2000 ) added a 6th context, the context of concealed values . This means positive consequence results on policy ; such as, statute law that promotes interagency cooperation in kids s services. They aim to protect kids s public assistance and better well-being. However, Jones suggests that there may be a scope of concealed significances and results. At a cardinal degree, policy can be smartly constructed to mask a peculiar set of purposes, values and beliefs. Intentionally or otherwise, policy may be a wolf in sheep s vesture ( Jones, 2000 ) There is besides grounds that practicians construct their ain significances related to policy, whether these are intended or non. Commenting on the inclination of policy shapers to centrally design signifiers, e-templates and appraisal tools . ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) Both, Garrett ( 2006 ) and Axford et Al. ( 2006 ) note how these are sometimes resisted by practicians because they are perceived as exercising cardinal control over hitherto reasonably independent countries and suspected of being a cost-cutting device ( Axford et al. , 2006, p. 172 ) . Consequently, policy could really prolong or make fortunes that maintain or exacerbate jobs. Rather than being a solution to the perceived job, the interaction between policy and pattern may do a new set of jobs. ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) The cardinal point is that policy is at three degrees local, front line and cardinal. At cardinal degree the thoughts are made concrete and so articulated nationally and locally. At the clip the policy enters the work force such as schools, practicians perceptual experiences can accordingly be affected. The inquiry is: to what extent is the vision enshrined in cardinal policy on multi-agency working likely to alter as it travels on its journey from cardinal authorities to individual practician? ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) Governments have a inclination to build their vision for policy as a statement of purposes or intended results. Sometimes the vision is embedded within a wider model ; for illustration, authoritiess in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) In England, kids s well-being was defined as the five reciprocally reenforcing results originally presented in the Every Child Matters Green Paper ( DfES, 2003, p. 6 ) : SHEEP is an acronym that stands for: S Stay safe H Healthy E Enjoy and accomplish E Economic well-being P Positive part The following stairss is to interpret these visions into larning which can be implemented into pattern by people working in such sectors. The five results were integrated into the development of the common nucleus accomplishments and cognition for the kids s work force ( DfES, 2005 ) dwelling of: Effective communicating and battle with kids, immature people and households Child and immature individual development Safeguarding and advancing the public assistance of the kid Supporting passages Multi-agency working Sharing information . ( DfES, 2005 ) Despite fluctuations, the UK authorities agreed that all kids will profit from closer working between practicians and bureaus. The Common Assessment Framework ( CAF ) is a cardinal portion of presenting frontline services that are integrated and focused around the demands of kids and immature people. The CAF will advance more effectual, earlier designation of extra demands, peculiarly in cosmopolitan services. It is intended to supply a simple procedure for a holistic appraisal of a kid s demands and strengths, taking history of the function of parents, carers and environmental factors on their development ( ECM, 2008 ) . The CAF signifier is designed to record and, where appropriate, portion with others, appraisals, programs and recommendations for support. Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places a statutory responsibility on cardinal people and organic structures to do agreements to safeguard and advance the public assistance of kids . ( HM Government, 2004 ) The ECM states all bureaus are required to hold: Senior direction committedness to the importance of safeguarding and advancing kids s public assistance A clear statement of the bureau s duties towards kids, available for al staff Safe enlisting processs in topographic point Effective inter-agency working to safeguard and advance the public assistance of kids Effective information sharing ( ECM, 2008 ) The principle for the CAF is to assist practicians develop a shared apprehension of kids, which avoids households reiterating themselves to all other bureaus. The CAF helps to develop a common apprehensions of what needs to be done and how. Do non reevaluate when the information is already there ( Parents in audience about appraisal, in Scots Executive, 2005b, p. 23 ) The statement is simple and on the surface persuasive, the drift based on assisting single kids. But the relationship between appraisal processs, their intent and their results is seldom straightforward ( Jones, 2004 ) . Assessment is a womb-to-tomb procedure with societal effects and may be influenced by contextual factors and professional value places. It is literally a point at which certain kids are judged to be different ( Tomlinson, 1982, p. 82 ) . Some parents and kids s positions of their services have highlighted their wanting a coordinated service that is delivered through a individual point of contact, a key worker , named individual or link worker ( Sloper, 2004, p. 572 ) . Within the CAF, a similar function was produced, the lead professional ( LP ) who takes duty for organizing the action identified as a consequence of the CAF procedure and will back up the kid and their household as necessary. One of the dashing facets of the CAF is the figure of professionals that practicians will prosecute with, such as wellness, instruction, societal services and voluntary bureaus. It can be besides rather dashing in happening out who the support services are and their contact inside informations. However, with the CAF procedure it can be off of get the better ofing tenseness antecedently encountered around multi bureau working and sharing information. Just as kids and their households have a part to do to determine the services they receive through the assorted signifiers of partnership discussed in old chapters, so they can lend to the development of pattern and practicians. This can go on at many degrees through rating, feedback, audience and research, every bit good as direct engagement in preparation. Practitioners and the administrations they work for demand to recognize that kids and their households have specific cognition that can non be learnt from anyplace else . ( Rixon, 2008 ) Children are party to the subculture of childhood which gives them a alone insider position that is critical to our apprehension of kids s universes . ( Kellett, 2005, p. 4 ) Like many who on a regular basis consult kids and immature people, we find that their positions are ever serious, concise, thoughtful and extremely relevant and cut through the preexistent dockets and diplomatic turning awaies that beset many audiences with professional grownups. We find that even really immature kids are more than able to analyze and give clear positions on many issues within their experience . ( Morgan, 2005, pp. 181-182 ) How is the success of more incorporate ways of working to be judged? One component of rating might be to see to what extent incorporate squads or new enterprises or constructions have overcome obstructions and enabled more positive ways of working . ( Stone and Rixon, 2008 ) As we have discussed, authorities policy and the literature on kids s services all emphasise the importance of bureaus working together and the value of partnership constructions, yet: Despite such exhortations, there appears to be a famine of grounds to back up the impression that multi-agency working in pattern brings about existent benefits for kids and households. ( Townsley et al. , 2004, p. 6 ) However, Michelle Warren quotes According to Consultancy 4Children ( Policy into pattern, 4Children, 2009 ) consistent grounds indicates that parents and kids are best served if the support on offer is joined up and good coordinated . It would be appropriate to recognize that although services may be provided in one scene, there is still a hazard of services non being joined up, because of different bureaus ( and viing interests/perspectives ) involved. ( Warren, 2010 ) However, Howell states Previously we really made it improbably hard by doing kids and parents and carers make their ain manner through the services all being assessed rather individually and acquiring really assorted messages. So multi-agency working is indispensable where a kid needs it. We must nt acquire baffled and believe multi-agency working has got to be the lone manner of working. In some instances it s really the school that will do the difference and that s the bureau where the huge bulk of kids will accomplish the best results . ( Howell, 2008 ) However, Townsley highlights the existent benefits for households and kids. Howell provinces There are tensenesss between bureaus, some of them driven by the different get downing point that different bureaus have. So the nature of the marks that bureaus are measured by are really rather different. The wellness marks that wellness services are measured by are significantly different from the sort of marks that schools work to and peculiarly are rather distant from the results of Every Child Matters . ( Howell, 2008 ) As with any Multi bureau working, it is important to measure whether any new undertakings or enterprises have been set marks against standards that can be measured. This is peculiarly a contemplation for grounds based intercessions which have been associated with issues, such as value for money. In relation to this, many have marks which have been set and necessarily raise inquiries whether it is the right one to be assigned with a peculiar mark. Practitioners recognise that marks can enable lucidity and equity, and concentrate attending on of import countries of pattern ( Banks, 2004 ) . However, Townsley et Al. ( 2004 ) states review a figure of surveies that reveal small grounds of improved results of multi-agency working across a scope of services and scenes. Their reappraisal besides makes clear that the undertaking of rating itself is a complex 1. Built-in jobs include: troubles in generalizing from single instance surveies ; diverse positions of different stakeholders as to what counts as success ; the length of clip needed to measure alteration ; and causality and ascription . ( Glendinning, 2002, cited in Townsley, 2004, p. 6 ) Consequently, Howell states Children s engagement and battle is cardinal to the redesign of services peculiarly with a multi-agency position. It s portion of the larning about what makes a difference the whole issue around personalisation puts the client, the individual having the services, as the co-designer of their solutions . ( Howell, 2008 ) To reason, A formative attack to rating that encourages duologue and on-going betterments to both policy and pattern would look to offer a positive manner frontward. However, this is non without its challenges and there are still issues to be addressed, non least preparation and elucidation of functions and duties. It is up to single practicians to advance an inclusive attack to professional difference and to develop a scope of different theoretical accounts enabling coaction, regard, reciprocality, pragmatism and risk-taking. ( Leverett and Jones, 2008 )
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Revolt of the masses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Revolt of the masses - Essay Example According to the Revolt of the Masses by Jose Ortega the masses has been described in detailed to mean a multitude that is considered through the numbers. He accounts for the masses as a collection of numbers that are discriminative against the minority. He depicts on a new sociological order that he referred to as the masses, which he also says is not a just an ordinary person and is not associated with any particular caste or class. The description he gives to the masses is that they are those people who are products of historical development of the European nations, those who were born for the first time in Europe.According to the description of Ortega to the masses is not enjoyable as he describes them as those who cannot be described by any discipline.The description Ortega gives to the masses is that they posses no quality that can be related to excellence and as he borrows from Goethe, he describes them as ââ¬Ëto live as one pleases is plebianââ¬â¢.He assets that the mas s man demands more than what is suppose to be accorded to them and have a feeling that it is their right to have it when only a century ago,a group of people considered minority considered that a privilege. The contribution of Ortega in this case shows that he concluded that the nineteenths century provided grounds for the development of a unique lot that would constitutes a dominant social force come the twentieth century.This he said was not going to be a conduit for the development of aristocratic culture that had been the culture for a number the entire millennium. Who are the minorities? Contrary to the masses, Ortega had a different consideration for the minorities whom he described as those with qualifications unlike the masses whom he considered not to be qualified. Ortega considers the minorities to be the most progressive people in the society and who endeavors to create stability in the way socio-political issues are managed. Whereas the masses are ignorant about what the y should demand for, the minorities consider those that are demanded by the masses to be privileges (Gasset 111). The minorities are conscious of very many things in the societal set up and are perceived to be progressive in their dealings, which is pure contrary to the masses. The minority are considered to be better that the masses because they are more qualified, they use their qualification to rationalize issues and are involved in transcending the culture of totalitarianism and authoritarianism. The minority have dedicated their efforts to ensure that there is ne order in the society that allows for justice for all, a system that will provide a level field for dealing with all people irrelevant of the societal status. These qualities were depicted by Ortega and decided to consider the minority as the most preferred people against the masses that seems to be mindful about themselves. Conclusion and assessment of Ortegaââ¬â¢s View A careful read of Ortegaââ¬â¢s literature w ould give one a sense of understanding of what the mass man is, Ortega describes the mass man as one who is self centered and do not have a feeling of the rest, they do not want to appreciates other culture or see them prosper and knowledgeable on anything. They are very discriminative on everything the minority does; a classical example that can be related in this case is the presence of the Jews in Germany, the Jews were considered the minorities in and faced the most brutal discrimination in the world. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler who also was a staunch Nazi sympathizer, most of the Jews in Germany were persecuted in millions and one incidence that can be quoted in this case is the holocaust incidence in which million of the people were killed. Ortegaââ¬â¢s views in the Revolt of the Masses clearly explained the aggression tendency of the masses towards the minority. Ortega explanation of the masses was later manifested in Europe when the minorities were discriminated against,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reaserched, documented position paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reaserched, documented position paper - Essay Example It has many properties and benefits, which many seek to undermine on the path to legalization. In this paper some history and chemistry of the plant will be identified, as well as the many arguments for and against, of which some will be covered herein. In keeping with these arguments, Californiaââ¬â¢s Proposition 19 for the legalization of marijuana will be covered. Already, it is legal in many states for use as a therapy drug for pain, but this paper will seek to prove that marijuana should be legalized for use of the general public, as the overall effects of this plant are very similar to an already legal drug: alcohol. Alcohol is legal on all 50 states to consume, has very similar mind-altering effects, yet marijuana is still an illegal substance. Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for approximately 5000 years. Where it came from is unclear, but it is hypothesized that it came from Central Asia. It is suggested that the Asiatic nomads dispersed the plant throughout Asia in their travels, and Herodotus, the Greek historian, once said that the ââ¬Å"Scythian passion was inhaling the smoke of burning hemp plants.â⬠it was later discovered that hemp fiber was being used by the Scythians as well for clothing. However, these nomads migrated out of central Asia after 1700 B. C. use of the drug remained primarily for intoxication throughout the Mediterranean region, Asia, Egypt and the rest of Africa. An ancient physician in the Mediterranean area noted which parts of the plant could be used for rope, clothing and pain relief. In ancient China, it was used for gout, rheumatism, malaria and absent-mindedness. He also noted that other parts were best for muscular problems. In India, the plant was used to make a drink for the heroes of the day before they executed so-called great feats of heroics. The chemistry of marijuana was a mystery until 1942, when H. J. Wollner was able to isolate and identify the naturally occurring substance, tetrahydroca nnabinol (THC). This substance has been found to be useful medically in many different venues. One of the first was the use of marijuana to stifle symptoms of nausea in chemotherapy patients. It also gives them a psychological benefit, providing them some sense of control over their body while suffering from cancer. Marijuana has been found to increase a personââ¬â¢s appetite, which can be very beneficial to someone suffering from AIDS, cancer or other illness that reduces appetite. In studies of medical marijuana use in glaucoma sufferers, the results have been mixed. Although its medicinal use for eye damage in somewhat substantial, but the toxic effects from such a high dose were more risky than glaucoma itself. From use as an analgesic, antispasmodic, a treatment for epilepsy and glaucoma to possibly its most well known medical uses, for multiple sclerosis and an anti-nausea drug in chemotherapy patients. On November 2, 2010, California proposed the Marijuana Legalization Ini tiative, simply called Proposition 19. This bill was for allowing the legalization of marijuana in the state of California, giving local governments the power to regulate, tax and impose varying criminal and/or civil penalties, as they deemed appropriate. This bill ultimately fell under similar current laws regarding alcohol. A person must be 21 or older, people could not possess it on school grounds, use it in public, or provide it
Monday, November 18, 2019
Arab Family and Customs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Arab Family and Customs - Essay Example The ethnic identity of any group is usually subject to the convergence of two key factors that are the immigrant culture and the host culture. There exists a scramble for dominion between the two factors irrespective of what the ethnic affiliation might be. Eventually, these two factors accommodate each other and a compromise where both cultures find space becomes evident. The interaction between the host and immigrant cultures dictates the characteristics of the ethnic identity (Zogby 77). The Arab-American identity becomes built on an intricate weave of both the immigrant Middle East culture and the American culture leading to a unique situation for the second generation of Arab-Americans. A dialectic relationship between the host and immigrant features result in a dynamic culture that has both American and Arabic elements. Whereas the intertwined culture cannot be equated, the immigrant culture is more often than not the more influential of the two. Focus group studies carried out in Dearborn, Michigan, which hosts the largest population of Arab Muslims in the United States, shed light on the identity taken by the studied lot and the reasons behind the identities taken. Since the two cultures are diverse and different on so many levels, the only way to forge forward is to adapt to the new foreign way of life keeping principal elements of your Arabic heritage (Zogby 65). Gender and religion emerged as vital elements of the Arab identity. An Arab has to be of a certain religion with vast differences in what becomes expected of the various genders. Gender is especially a thorn in the flesh of many Arab Americans who become somewhat confused by how the respective immigrant and host cultures view gender. Whereas the host culture boasts a sense of equality between the genders, the immigrant culture faithfully subscribes to the opposite view
Friday, November 15, 2019
Difference between Culture Industry and Creative Industry
Difference between Culture Industry and Creative Industry Introduction The culture industry and creative industry have both been frequently mentioned in the last few years, sometimes separately and at other times interchangeably. Communities have always been proud of their cultures. The advent of technology and innovation has been combined with the culture and thus there is promotion of culture but with some economic gain which has contributed to employment and economic growth, thus providing a holistic approach towards the integration of culture, technology and economics. Creative industries add the concept of creativity in the integration of culture, economics and technology. Though the concept of creative industries is still very new, the industry has experienced substantial growth in the last few years. Creative industries generated an estimated income of US$424 billion in 2005 (Basu, 2005). The industry has provided job opportunities to millions of people all over the world, employing more than 6 million (Kunzmann, 2007). This paper will analyze the difference between the culture industries and the creative industries and the impact of economization of culture on conditions of labor in the creative industry. Creative industry includes a variety of industries with the advertising industry being one of them. This paper will use the advertising industry as an example in analyzing the impact of economization of culture on labor in the creative industry. Difference between the Culture Industries and the Creative Industries Culture Industry Cultural industries are those economic activities that produce tangible or intangible artistic and creative products and which can be exploited to generate wealth through exploitation of cultural assets. UNESCO defines cultural industries as those goods and services that combine creation, production and commercialization of contents which are intangible and cultural in nature. These industries use creativity, cultural knowledge and intellectual property to produce products and services with social and cultural meaning (UNESCO, 2010). The one distinct feature in cultural goods and services is that they encourage culture by promoting and maintaining cultural diversity and enhance democracy in accessing culture. Each society has its own culture which is expressed in the peoples values and identities. Recently this culture has been amalgamated with creativity and economics and thus coming up with creative economy. Creative economy combines economics, culture and modern technology. This concept should be used in forming strategies that are results oriented in the developing countries. According to OConnor, the culture industry became more meaningful after integrating with the modern systems of monopoly capitalism. Before this, culture had been considered as just a status symbol, or as a form of decoration. Views changed and culture was being considered as an economic resource worth of attention from the policymakers. It was seen as a potential tool for economic development and employment creation and one which could be used for tourism purposes as well as creating an image for the community. Cultural industries are characterized by some of these features (Kunzmann, 2007); they are small firms with low or average wage rates. In most cases the providers are self employed and they experience high levels of job satisfaction. They have flexible working hours and a low degree of unionization. The providers get their customers through high network integration and hence a high consumer dependency. Creative Industry Different regions have different meanings and classifications of creative industries. These meanings have been structured and classified to form four models, the UK DCMS model, Symbolic text model concentric circles model and WIPO copyright model. Creative industries are economic activities that are based on an individuals skills and talent whereby the talent is exploited and generated to create wealth and to develop intellectual property. The basic inputs in these industries are creativity and intellectual capital, while the end products are tangible goods and intangible intellectual property or artistic services. These end products have original creativity, economic value and an objective to meet the market demand. Creativity includes coming up with original, imaginative, ideas in art, cultural products and scientific creations, and coming up with end products that are inspiring and inventive. Creative industries form a creative economy, (United Nations, 2008). According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) creative industries are divided into four groups, the arts, heritage, media and functional creations. Creative economy helps in creating jobs and promoting exports, cultural diversity, and thus contributes to the growth of the economy. It allows for the amalgamation of economics, cultural and creativity which is combined with technology, intellectual property and tourism objectives to result to a creative economy. It has a macro and micro effect on the economy. The market structure is diverse and can be artistic individuals, small scale businesses and even big multinational companies. The creative businesses experienced an 8.7 percent growth rate between 2000 and 2005. In 2005 the goods and services contributed to 3.4 percent of the world f with gross earnings of $424.4 billion. In 2003 the industry employed 5.6 million people in the European Union countries. Creativity is used in the interaction of the other four forms of capital, social capital, cultural capital human capital and structural or institutional capital leading to what is now known as the 5cs. The industry is being regulated under the Intellectual Property Rights, i.e. copyrights, patents or trade. The problem with the IP is the fact that they favor advanced countries and the developing countries have to agree to these terms. Difference between Creative Industry and Culture Industry The difference between creative industries and cultural industries is distinct and at times the two have been used interchangeably. Creative industries are centered on cultural industries, but not restricted to them. The one way to differentiate cultural product and services is that they may have a cultural characteristic that is not measurable by monetary terms. There is a value attached to the products or services both by the producer and the consumer. This value maybe that the product being used as a source of identity for the specific community. The difference ca also be found in that when producing cultural products, it requires, a human activity input, they are symbolic and they are used in passing a message, and there is potential for intellectual property that is unique to whoever is producing it, be it be an individual or the group. Since there is creativity in the cultural goods and products, it can be said that they are a subset of creative goods and services and yet taking into consideration that creative goods and services cover a wider range of products. Creative goods do not have a unique cultural value in them. When used distinctively, creative products and services are only meant for commercial purposes, but they need creativity to be produced. This may include fashion designs and software creation. In contrast to culture industries, creative industries are mainly big or middle size companies. They pay high salaries especially to their senior staff. The organizations in the creative industries have fixed official working hours for their employees. Examples of cultural products include artwork, musical performances, literature, film, television and video game (Kunzman, 2007). On the other hand, the creative industries include the arts, media (film, tv, and radio), music, advertising and publishing, architecture and design, software development and digital media design. The Impact of the Economization of Culture on Conditions of Labor in the Creative Industries, (Advertising Industry) Economization of Culture Economization of culture refers to making the best of culture to achieve the best effects economically or otherwise. The culture of economics is the analysis of the cultural sector, and involves assessment and organization of the cultural industries, both creative and performance heritage, whether they are publicly of privately owned. In this aspect, culture is seen as a production or a commodity for consumption by the public, who are taken as the consumers. Economization of culture results from the increase in the volume of capital from cultural products through the markets. In turn there is marketization of culture (Mestrovic, 2004). It means letting culture content is to influence the commodity production. The culture gets financial support as this financial support is justified by the economic gains it will bring back to the society. Culture economics involves the interaction of creativity, cultural policies with technological and trade policies. Creativity refers to formulation of new ides which are applied together to create an original work of art and cultural products, functional creations, scientific inventions. Creativity has an economic aspect to it as it involves generation and exploitation of this creativity and generates economic benefits to the creative entrepreneur. This creativity leads to innovation which boosts productivity levels leading to an increase in economic growth and job creation. Creative economy has evolved from recognizing that there is a way that culture and economy can be merged and that both can be utilized for development purposes. As a result of the countries that use creativity in their culture for economic purposes also help in preserving their own culture, informing others about their cultures as well as earning from this culture. Thus it helps in cultural diversity, promoting social inclusion as well as enhancing human development. It leads to creative class, creative entrepreneurs, creative cities, creative clusters, networks and creative districts. Creative economies drive the economy through technology through multimedia and telecommunication, demand for the creative products and fueling of growth in tourism. The creative economies also drive the economy by creating innovative ideas that help in organizations remaining competitive (Hartley,2005). It is the responsibility of each country to set its own policies in regard to the promotion of creative economies. However the UNCTAD has a mandate to assist governments in formulating their policies and especially for developing countries. One of the creative industries is the advertising industry. The advertising industry includes production of advertising materials, PR campaigns, creation of advertisements and promotions, consumer research and insights, media planning, buying and evaluation and management of client marketing activity and communication plans. Advertising has been affected positively by the development of creative economy. Advertisements will be directed to potential customers and to attract the customers, advertisers have to be creative and at the same time respecting the culture of the people. Creative economy has therefore have had a big impact on advertising where creativity, culture and the economy are merged and used effectively through creative advertisement through the media, publishing and over the internet. In addition to this, creative industries are expected to continue to grow and thus create employment. This will be created by the increasing demand for cultural products and services (Euro pean Commission, 2010). The creative industries have contributed to the growth in employment and especially since the industry is labor intensive. There is however some difficult in measuring the effect of advertising on the labor sector brought about by the differing definitions and categorization of creative industry. The industry employs copywriters, those who create drawings, photographers, painters and market researchers. There are more jobs to choose from and in some cases, there is flexibility in the working hours making them more dynamic. In the US the industry had employed about 416,300 people in August 2009, after facing a decline resulting from the global financial crisis. The industry had employed 478,600 in October 2007. In the US the industrys wages make almost 44 percent of the nations total revenues (Kirchhoff, 2009). The advertising industry has a major impact on the labor markets. In the UK, the advertising industry generated an income of à £15.988billion net of VAT IN 1998 while the rest of the creative sector reported à £13 billion. In the 2000, the sector employed 92,800 people (Svob-Dokic, 2005). In the US the industry accounts for 2% of the countrys output (Kirchhoff, 2009). Another effect of creative industries and advertising is the fact that in most cases they make use of modern technology and machines. This has had both a positive and negative effect in employment. The positive effect is that the employee works at a first rate thus getting time for leisure or time to pursue other interests. The impact of creative industry on the labor market will depend on the policies set by the government. A government that supports the creative industry will be way ahead in creating employment. In addition to this there should be policies on the structures of employment to minimize on the insecurities in the advertisement industry and creative industries in general. In so doing the government will help in tapping the unexploited labor (Mestrovic, 2004). There is high potential for growth in the creative industries including in advertising (European Commission on culture, 2010). The government or the relevant authorities should ensure policies that avoid exploitation of those who invent the products and services. In addition to this, the advertising industry can be used to erode culture through advertisements which are against the culture of the natives or through advertisements that may be discriminative in nature. This may lead to bans by the authorities which may lead to some people loosing their jobs. In most creative industries labor is disorganized. This results from the fact that it is a young industry and which has not yet identified itself with the trade unions. According to Lovink and Rossiter (2007) the creations of creative industries have contributed to the erosion of the trade unions. Most of the people employed in this industry are young people. There is a possible feeling of insecurity in this industry, since the employees do not have the trade unions to defend their needs, thus creating social insecurity. Most of the employees are self employed or are temporarily employed adding more to the feeling of insecurity. The sector employs people on contract or temporary basis thus a lot of insecurity involved. In the EU countries, 18 percent of employees in the culture industry were temporarily employed. 29 percent of those in the culture industry in the EU countries are self employed (Svob-Dokic, 2005). Another negative effect of advertising has impacted on employment is that being a creative activity it employs modern technology and machines and thus creating unemployment to a number of people which results from the fact that the machines work at a faster rate than humans. Conclusion The amalgamation of culture, economics and technology has resulted to the growth in creative industries. There are many benefits that may result from the continuous growth in this industry. Creative industries assist in preserving peoples culture while at the same time earning income for the providers of these goods and services. The relevant authorities should come up with policies to protect their citizens from exploitation and to provide any other resources that may be required to ensure a stable growth in this industry. Since each country holds different cultures, there cannot be a global policy in the creative industry; it is the responsibility of the government to put into place strategies that are relevant to its people. The industries growth will lead to employment. As it has been noted there is instability and insecurity in employment in the creative industries. The government should include policies to address this in its strategy. These strategies should be reconciled to other national policies for the country. In the end, the creative industries will create jobs, generate income, and promote social inclusion, cultural diversity and human development.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ancient Sculpture And Architecture :: essays research papers
à à à à à Ziggurats were used in ancient times for purposes of worship and to fulfill spiritual needs. One example, The Pyramid of the Magician, has a legend attached to it depicting the god Itzamna who had single-handedly built it in one night. The Pyramid of the Magician is, by 100 feet, the tallest architectural structure in the city of Uxmal on the Yucatan peninsula. Interestingly enough, the pyramid has a stairwell that faces the setting sun on summer solstice. Also of note, the whole city is perfectly aligned to mimic how the planets were thought to lie in the solar system at the time. à à à à à At the top of most Ziggurats, there were sanctuaries that were dedicated to the protective gods and/or goddesses of that particular city. The buildings were normally magnificent in size and the stairways leading up to the sanctuaries normally consisted of a very long series of steps. Experts feel that this symbolism represents how various peoples wished to unite the heavens and the earth. à à à à à As ancient as Ziggurats may seem, they can easily be compared to modern day churches and place of worship. Modern day churches are used presently as places where people can worship their god, who is felt to protect and watch over them; highly comparable to the purpose of the ancient Ziggurats. Not only are their purposes analogous, but their appearances can also be similar. For instance, most modern day places of worship have some sort of symbolic representation of their god near or at the very top of the building. This may seem commonplace to most, but perhaps the origin of the influence comes from the ancient architects. The long and high stairways of most Ziggurats can be compared to the symbolism that we, today, use near the top of churches. à à à à à Along the same lines of thought, modern day churches also normally possess some sort of symmetry, whether it is to the surroundings or within the structure itself. This can be paralleled to the Pyramid of the Magician in that that structure was symmetrical to the solar system. Most modern day facilities, however, have symmetrical attributes to their outer appearance. à à à à à Church architecture could be researched in depth, but the purpose here is to express some similarities between the ancient centers of worship and modern day facilities. One such example could be the prevalent grand expanse. Perhaps this attribute is to accommodate for the large amount of worshippers, which does not seem to fluctuate in accordance with history.
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